Azure Backup, an underlying technology of Operations Management Suite, is a scalable solution that protects your application data with zero capital investment and minimal operating costs. Azure Backup can retain your data for up to 99 years to meet regulatory requirements.
OneNote for teachers: Staying Organised
With Microsoft OneNote, teachers can create notebooks that help them stay organised, deliver curriculum, and collaborate with students and colleagues.
Where is your cloud data stored?
It's a question we get asked a lot! I've decided to let Fred explain...
5 Ways Office 365 Helps Learning
Atlantec Achieves a Microsoft Competency
How My Teaching Career Rocketed With MIE (Part 2)
This is the second part of Emma's blog on her journey to become an MIE Expert. The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program is an exclusive program created to recognise global educator visionaries who are using technology to pave the way for their peers in the effective use of technology for better learning and student outcomes.
How My Teaching Career Rocketed With MIE (Part 1)
The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program is an exclusive program created to recognise global educator visionaries who are using technology to pave the way for their peers in the effective use of technology for better learning and student outcomes. See how Emma grabs the opportunity to become a celebrity teacher!
How Will Office 2016 Change Your Business?
How To Create The Perfect Presentation On The Go With PowerPoint
Get the best Windows ever!
Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for qualified Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Phone 8.1 devices - available starting July 29, 2015.
Windows 10 is familiar and easy to use and is designed to start up and resume fast. Plus, it is packed with innovations and is easy and compatible with the hardware and software you already use. Sign up to receive a launch day readiness kit and be entered for a chance to win a free Surface Pro 3 device! Don’t forget to reserve your copy of Windows 10 today!